Friday, February 24, 2012

Periodic reassessment is recommended because ...

FDA issued an update on atypical fractures of the femur associated with the use of bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis. These drugs include Fosamax (alendronate sodium), Actonel (ryzedronat sodium), Boniva (ibandronat sodium), Atelvia (ryzedronat sodium), Reclast (zoledronovoyi acid), and their general equivalent. Femoral fractures were seen bisphosphonates podvertelnyh and diaphyseal that rare --- accounts for less than one percent of the thigh and hip fractures that occur in the population as a whole. Although it is not clear that drugs are a direct cause of these unusual fractures, they basically have been reported in patients taking bisphosphonates. exclude hip fracture if the patient with a new hip or groin pain, and stop a powerful anti-resorptive drugs, including bisphosphonates in patients with evidence of hip fracture. review periodically overestimate or continuation of therapy should bisphosphonates, especially in patients treated for more than five years. Periodic reassessment is recommended, as the fracture reduction efficacy of these drugs has not been established, and optimal duration of use is uncertain. discuss the benefits and risks of these drugs with patients and instruct them to seek medical attention if they experience lasix drug heart new groin or thigh pain, which can be described as boring or pain. This pain may occur several weeks or months until failure occurs. This information security appear in the labeling of drugs, as well as in the medications that are common in patients with each prescription. For more information, please visit our website:

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